The Latest

Home & Farm


Oh, the Places You’ll Go

How one Canadian adventurist turned her love of the planet and respect for its peoples into the career of her dreams.


Take Care of Nature

Overall, birds play a critical role in maintaining the health and integrity of our ecosystems.


Home & Farm



Oh, the Places You’ll Go

How one Canadian adventurist turned her love of the planet and respect for its peoples into the career of her dreams.


Take Care of Nature

Overall, birds play a critical role in maintaining the health and integrity of our ecosystems.


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Planting Time

Planting Time

Warm season and cool season crops are terms used to describe the optimal temperature range

Home & Farm



Take Care of Nature

Take Care of Nature

Overall, birds play a critical role in maintaining the health and integrity of our ecosystems.

Wildlife Photography

Wildlife Photography

Nature awakens in spring and there’s plenty of opportunity to get photos of flowers, mosses, budson trees, insects and, of...

Planet-Friendly Activities

Travel & Culture

Oh, the Places You’ll Go

Oh, the Places You’ll Go

How one Canadian adventurist turned her love of the planet and respect for its peoples into the career of her dreams.

Harrowsmith Radio

Lost & Found Recipes

Ever wonder what happened to that recipe you read about on Harrowsmith Magazine? We’ve collected them together for you!

Harrowsmith Magazine is proud to work with these amazing people and companies.

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