Grilled Plum Skewers with Honey Mascarpone

This recipe makes plums the star of the dish, highlighting the fruit without adding extra ingredients

There is quite a variety of stone fruits available across Canada during the summer months. This recipe makes plums the star of the dish, highlighting the fruit without adding too many extra ingredients. Grilled fruits can be used in several ways and are a real treat when served warm.

Serves 4


1/2 cup mascarpone, ricotta or Greek yogurt

2 tbsp honey

Pinch cinnamon

4 ripe plums of different varieties (pluot, black, Italian, etc.)

1/4 cup toasted nuts, preferably almonds


  1. Heat the barbecue to around 450°F to 500°F.
  2. To season the mascarpone, combine with the honey and cinnamon and stir well, eliminating any lumps. 
  3. Slice the plums in half and remove the pits. (If the plums are large, slice them into 6 segments; if they’re small, 4 segments.)
  4. Skewer the fruit, about 1 plum, or 4 to 6 segments, per skewer.
  5. Grill the fruits just until char lines appear and the fruit is warmed through.
  6. Top with small mounds of the mascarpone and a sprinkling of nuts.

Recipe and photography by Joanna Notkin

Joanna Notkin

Joanna Notkin is a designer at heart, and food is her passion. With an eye for detail and a love of all things seasonal and local, Joanna approaches food in a way that is delicate and thoughtful. She brings together the flavours of each ingredient while honouring the fact that we truly eat with our eyes.

Posted on Monday, May 9th, 2022

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