I first grew Reisetomate in the summer of 2017, and it quickly became one of my favourites.

How to Grow ‘Rumi Banjan’ Tomatoes
Shaped like a pumpkin, this variety is very juicy with a thin skin
How to Grow ‘Sunrise Bumblebee’ Tomatoes
This is a yellow, with pink marbling that a bright, sweet and tropical taste
How to Grow the Three ‘Cherokee’ Tomatoes
A colourful family of heirloom tomatoes that is the perfect mix of sweet and tart
Florentine Beauty Tomato – Harrowsmith Gen XYZ – Emma’s Edible Yard
This tomato variety gives colourful and shapely slices
Harrowsmith Gen XYZ – Emma’s Edible Yard – A Tomato that Makes the Cut
Ananas Noire tomato produces well, is beautiful, and is tasty
Harrowsmith Gen XYZ – Emma’s Edible Yard – A Delicious and Beautiful Edible Pepper
Jigsaw Pepper is one of those food plants that people might grow just because of how pretty it is
Harrowsmith Gen XYZ – Emma’s Edible Yard – This Gorgeous Pepper Produces Heavily on a Compact Plant
Zulu Pepper starts out as a very dark purple, eventually turning red—and you can use it both ways!
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Healthier Pasta or Pizza Sauce
Quick and Easy Sauce Made from Leftovers

Savory Bread Pudding
Can be made the night before or baked ahead and then frozen.

Great Backyard Bird Count every February
Join the world in connecting to birds February 14–17, 2025.

Show Your Love
We’ve put a sustainable spin on the top three traditional gifts you associate with Valentine’s Day, and added a little bit of trivia just for fun!

February Full Moon
Feb 12th – The second full moon of the year is the bear moon.