Danielle French shares her Sourdough love and pitfalls

Sourdough is an elusive item in my kitchen. I love using it and having it fresh and active in my refrigerator but mostly these past years, it is absent, having been neglected and then pitched out. When it’s gone, I miss it, when I have it on hand, I’m not the most attentive baker and often I lose it. Sourdough starter is a romantic notion for me. INSPIRING MEMORIES When I was 13, I asked my parents to take me out to De Smet South Dakota where Laura Ingalls Wilder lived with her sisters and parents. It’s the cabin that Pa built with the trees he planted, one for each member of his family around the log home. You may recall that Laura was the author of the Little House on the Prairie Series. She was born in Wisconsin in the Big Woods and then moved west with her Ma and Pa and her sisters, finally settling as an adult in Missouri when she married Almanso Wilder and wrote her Little House book series. I loved those books and the stories that Laura told about her family and travelling in a wagon across the country. It was through her books … Continue reading Danielle French shares her Sourdough love and pitfalls