Peanut; the name makes a lot of sense. Technically, a peanut is a legume, from the fabaceae or pea/bean family, but it looks, tastes and packs all...

Daikon – Japan’s Celebrated Winter Radish Warms up Winter
The Japanese winter is not pleasant. Northern winter winds from the Asian continent whip down the valleys bringing rain and snow, and more often...
The Living Larder; The Japanese Garden in Winter Continues to Provide
I’m hanging up laundry on the balcony on a cold sunny day, when I hear the angry voice down the street. Two men stand beside my garden, one is...
Dispatches from a Japanese Garden – Buried Treasure
While much of Canada is still in the grips of a deep freeze, in the Kansai region of Japan, February is the first potato-planting season of the...
Dispatches from a Japanese Garden – The Land I Farm
The land I farm lies in the mountains of southern Kyoto, a one-hour train ride, and two small mountain ranges east of Osaka. It’s within the...
Dispatches from a Japanese Garden -The Youngest in the Valley
Introducing our newest gardening blog: Dispatches from a Japanese Garden, by Keith Adams. Through the magic of social media, our food editor, Signe...
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Savory Bread Pudding
Can be made the night before or baked ahead and then frozen.

Great Backyard Bird Count every February
Join the world in connecting to birds February 14–17, 2025.

Show Your Love
We’ve put a sustainable spin on the top three traditional gifts you associate with Valentine’s Day, and added a little bit of trivia just for fun!

February Full Moon
Feb 12th – The second full moon of the year is the bear moon.

Carrot Breakfast Loaf with Muffin Mix
A simple recipe using your favourite bran muffin mix and carrots for a delicious breakfast loaf.